January 2022 Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting

Kingston Lake (Great Pond) Association

January 26, 2022 @ 7:00PM

Held at the Library


  • Call to Order at 7:07 PM – Muriel Ingalls     
  • Secretary’s Report – Susan Palmeter – accepted as printed
  • Treasurer’s Report – Ben Bixby – accepted as printed

Members present: Muriel Ingalls, Betsey Bixby, Betty Wright, James Voss, Holly Ouellette and Susan Palmeter.

We started the meeting out with meeting the new library director, Melissa Mannon.

Old Business

  1. Concern about the growth of weeds – reach out to Amy Smagula for a weed check – Amy requested photos of any new plants amy.p.smagula@des.nh.gov
  2. Muriel read the letter she sent to the Selectman regarding the Porta Potty system.

New Business

  • Update on website – Betty Wright – Here is the link to our new website. Thanks to Betty for all the hard work to get this set up. Kingston Lake Association – Great Pond, Kingston, NH (kingstonlakesnh.org). Betty showed us the new website. If you have a chance take a look. If you would like to contribute pictures or have any ideas, you may reach out to Betty at bettywrightnh@gmail.com. 
  • Timeline of Events

Feb. – Lake Host Grant writing, March 8, Election, May 14 State Park Clean Up. May 16, water sampling ??? June 20 water sampling.  June Membership meeting – June 29? Date and speaker? July 18 water sampling.  Regatta July 31.  August 15 Water Sampling.  September 19 water sampling.

  • Database Update for membership dues
  • Fund raising activities for 2022 – Pictures
  • Update on Select Board meeting on January 24 and Planning Board meetings on 1/27 and 2/10 in regards to Truck Stop in the Aquifer Protection Area. You can copies of the Planning Board minutes here: 2022 Planning Board Meeting Minutes | Kingston NH.  The Selectman meetings are here: 2022 Selectmen’s Office Meeting Minutes | Kingston NH. Zoning Board meetings are here: 2022 Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes | Kingston NH February 10th should be of particular concern. Next meeting regarding the station will be March 10th at 7pm no notice will be sent.13 Wadleigh Point was discussed at our meeting and there are notes on the 1/24 meeting of the Selectman’s office. A cease and desist order was to be issued as far as year round residency.

Adjourned at 8:08 pm

Next Meeting will be on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, at the library at 7:00 PM