Lake Host Program -June 2022

We are looking forward to a great summer at the boat ramp! Our staff is participating in this year’s training and hoping for a bit less rain this year than last. This year our volunteer, Holly, has already spent a little time at the ramp greeting boaters and providing complimentary boat inspections in regard to invasive species. Our mail season begins July 4th weekend so be sure to say hello our folks in their blue Lake Hosts shirts.

This year at the annual Kingston Lake Association meeting in June our guest speaker will be Krystal Costa Balanoff with NH Lakes, who is one of the folks who manages our state wide program. You are all invited to join us and learn more about our wonderful NH lakes!

If you enjoy our lakes and want to support our program, it would be appreciated. There are two ways to help us out. Send us a donation of any amount or Volunteer a few hours a week or month during the season as one of our Lake Hosts.

To submit a donation you send a check to Muriel or with an online payment to NH Lakes on the following page: NH LAKES Lake Host Charitable Giving Donation Form Be sure to select “Kingston Lake Association” as the program you wish to support. Thank you!